

I am extremely proud that I am a self-taught artist. That does not say I have not taken classes it means I have learned by
trying different mediums..making mistakes and moving on..

These images are Alcohol Inks which are extremely difficult to work with... for one reason they dry immediately unless you keep the ink moving. Brushes and tools of any kind can be used...I choose to just turn the paper until it forms an image that makes me smile.
Alcohol Ink must also be applied on non-porus surfaces to show off the vibrant colors

As a Fine Arts Photographer for 40+ yrs, I realize the dedication and "passion" that must be in the artist mind at all times..
I also know there is no right or wrong in any type of expression and I enjoy viewing many different styles..

I hope you enjoy my work..Peggy Stokes


San Dieguito Art Guild, San Diego Museum of Art Artists Guild, The